Das Missionswerk der Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens und der Evangelischen Kirche in Mitteldeutschland


Unser Incoming-Freiwilligenprogramm

Die Freiwilligen des Jahrgangs 2021-22 aus Tansania konnten im April und Mai endlich einreisen und ihren Dienst antreten. Aus Indien erwarten wir die Einreise der Freiwilligen im September.

How does it feel to live and work in another country? A country, which is really different from your home country? A country like Germany, which is the spiritual origin of the Lutheran “Mother Church” and home to outstanding research institutions and famous football teams.

Experiencing church in a global manner here, carrying back new insights to your home country, enriching us with perspectives from your home country, taking responsibility for our One World – these could be some outcomes for someone, who serves as a volunteer in Germany.

This program is not about earning money, studying or doing an apprenticeship. It is a special challenge to work in the field of mission and deaconry in God’s world wide church.

In 1994, Leipzig Mission started to support German volunteers working in the countries of its southern partners. Since 2014, Leipzig Mission has invited and placed volunteers from its partners to organisations in Germany. You will be prepared for your stay in Germany while still being in your home country. The support in Germany will be taken care of by Leipzig Mission, which is an authorized provider of the German (developmental) volunteer program “weltwärts” from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

Requirements for Participation

  • Age of 22 to 28 years
  • Good English skills
  • Minimum secondary form 4
  • Willingness to learn German (before leaving your home country)
  • Willingness to work with (mainly mentally) handicapped people and support them in their daily life
  • Willingness to do an internship in your home country
  • Willingness to live one year abroad

Service of Leipzig Mission

  • 12 months volunteer service in a social diaconal institution in Germany: working with mentally handicapped people – supporting them in their daily life
  • All costs for language course, flight, accommodation and boarding, insurance, passport, visa etc. will be covered by Leipzig Mission

For a successful application we need

  • Your written CV,
  • A motivation letter and
  • A certificate from your home/local parish

Please add in your application the address of a contact person, for example your youth secretary or the pastor of your diocese.
For further information, please contact Susann Küster-Karugia from Leipzig Mission!

    Dokumente zum Download

    Das Quifd-Siegel bestätigt die Qualität des Freiwilligenprogramms.



    Es gibt keine Ereignisse in der aktuellen Ansicht.


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    Schreiben Sie uns

    Sie schreiben an: Susann Küster-Karugia



    Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V.
    Paul-List-Straße 19, 04103 Leipzig

    Telefon: 0049 341 9940600
    Telefax: 0049 341 9940690


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    Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig e.V. | Paul-List-Straße 19 | 04103 Leipzig | Telefon: 0049 341 9940600 | Fax: 0049 341 9940690
    Vertreten durch: Direktorin Annette von Oltersdorff-Kalettka | Registernummer im Vereinsregister beim Amtsgericht Leipzig: VR 783 | USt-IdNr. DE186551302

    Layout und Programmierung: Matthes & Hofer